a.i.series - a digital curation.
" Anyone can make the simple complicated - creativity is making the complicated simple. "
Charles Mingus

Book Cover
Front and Back Pages
Recently I curated a number of image series by online photographers on my blog ‘Aesthetic Investigations’. Subsequently, I thought it would be interesting to document these works in a book format. Therefore, I have arranged a collection of those ’39’ abstract and minimal photo series using the images of these ’32’ artists.
A selection of pages can be viewed below :: a full book preview can be seen: HERE
Thank you to everyone who kindly contributed their images to this project.
graphic content and curation by : Alan Sutherland Wilson ( azurebumble )

Introductory Pages
Copyright & Contents

Introductory Pages
Tags, Artists & Series Thumbnails

Photography Series
Gianni Galassi

Photography Series
Teresa (Colourful Life) & roB_meL

Photography Series
Camilo Todemann & Olli Kekäläinen

Photography Series
Brancolina & Barbara Stumm

Photography Series
Françoise Lucas & Leonie Polah

Photography Series
Julian Gomez & Tom Mclaughlan
Alec Cheer……..………………Annemie Hiele……………………..Azurebumble……….……………Barbara Stumm
Brancolina…………..……….Camilo Todemann………….………..Daniel Molina…………..………….Fernandoprats
Françoise Lucas……...……….Gianni Galassi………………….….James Withey………….....….John Kosmopoulos
Julian Gomez….…......……Krystina Stimakovits……....…...………Leonie Polah………………………….Lillykeeper
Lord Jezzer…...….....………..Lucie Bourassa….……......………..Mark Valentine……….…….……..Olli Kekäläinen
Peter Moons…...….…………..Phédia Mazuc…………….………..Rita Vita Finzi…………………......…….roB_meL
Shari Baker……….……………Steffen Tuck…….....…………..Teresa (Colourful life)……...……..Tom McLaughlan
Visualisarium……….…………..Wilma Eras…………..…………Wouter Hogendorp…….…………………Zel Nunes
Date Produced: Apr 12, 2012